THEE one and only Prince has a 21 Night Stand at the INGLEWOOD Forum! when I tell you he shut it down, he did just that. I knew Prince was a great preformer.....but I had no idea it would be like that! He did all my favorites from Purple Rain to If I were your girlfriend. Oh and his special guest were Mint Condition(yessssss!!!!) Alicia Keyes (OMG) Chaka Khan (killed it) Shelia E (also killed it) Sly and the Family stone (need I say more). I went Friday night with my dad and I was suppose to go on Saturday with my uncle but he was feeling under the weather, so I ended up going with a friend of mine. Saturday he did 4 encores. I had the time of my life and I'm planning to see him again before he leaves LA! Best concert that I've ever been to! I can know cross this off my bucket list!!!!! Prince is the BOMB.COM lol

Prince & Shelia E.
Chaka Khan!!!!
Shelia E.
My Dad and I (he always has that look on his face)
**I'm wearing my CoverGirl Regal Raspberry Lipstick**
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